Campus Map
- 1 Main Gate
- 1-1 University Symbol Tower
- 2 West Gate
- 3 South Gate
- 4 East Gate
- 5 Main Stadium
- 6 Second Stadium
- 7 University Botanical Gardens
- 10 College of Fine Arts and Design(Gem and Jewelry Crafts)
- 11 College of Fine Arts and Design(Calligraphy)
- 12 Administration Building
- 12-1 University of Center warehouse
- 13 College of Human Environmental Sciences
- 14 Humanitas College(Student support hall)
- 14-1 Mainl Library
- 15 Open Air Theater
- 16 60th Anniversary Memorial Building
- 17 Soongsan Memorial Building
- 18 Second Gymnasium
- 19 Graduate School
- 20 College of Won-Buddhism
- 21 SooDeok Lake
- 22 College of Law
- 24 Student Union Building
- 25 Wonkwang Digital University
- 26 Wonkwang Lawschool
- 30 Dormitory(Gaebyuk-gwan)
- 31 Dormitory(Gaebyuk-gwan)
- 32 Dormitory(Hakrim-gwan)
- 33 Dormitory(Samdong-gwan)
- 34 Dormitory(Saun-gwan)
- 35 Dormitory(Boeun-gwan)
- 36 Foreign Language dormitory
- 37 Dormitory(Chungwun-gwan)
- 38 Second Student’s Restaurant
- 51 College of Social Sciences
- 51-1 Second Social Science Building
- 51-2 Division of Fire Service Administration
- 52 College of Fine Arts and Design
- 53 College of Business and Economics
- 53-1 College of Business and Economics Annex
- 55 Reserve Officer’s Training Corps
- 56 College of Humanities
- 57 New Millennium Building
- 58 Goods warehouse
- 59 College of Engineering
- 59-1 College of engineering machine shop
- 59-2 College of Engineering(Universal Testing Machine)
- 59-3 Automotive rooms habits
- 60 University Museum
- 61 College of Fine Arts and Design(Ceramics)
- 62 College of Fine Arts and Design(Sculpture)
- 62-1 College of Fine Arts and Design(Sculpture Annex)
- 63 College of Natural Sciences
- 64 Baseball Training Complex
- 65 Main Gymnasium
- 65-1 Gymnaium Annex
- 66 College of Life Sciences and Natural Resources
- 67 Moving Techno Tube(Business Incubator)
- 68 College of Pharmacy
- 69 College of Medicine
- 69-1 Jisheng medical
- 70 Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine
- 71 College of Oriental Medicine
- 72 College of Education
- 72-1 Demonstration Kindergarten College of Wonkwang University
- 73 Center for Continuing Education(Language Center)
- 74 College of Dentistry
- 74-1 Second Dentistry Hall
- 80 Wonkwang Culture Center
- 81 Wonkwang University Oriental Medicial Hospital, Iksan
- 82 Wonkwang University Medical Center
- 83 Wonkwang University Dental Hospital
- 84 Emergency Center