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  • Wonkwang University is a religeos university founded with the founding spirit “Let’s enlighten the spirit in accordance with the material civilization” and defines the fundamental spirit of the school foundation to foster the leaders of a new civilization construction through the whole-person education that combines science and dohak (didactic philosophy)
  • The founding spirit of our University is intensively focused on the school mottos “Training of knowledge and ethics, Practice of morality” which suggest to cultivate the intelligence and moral character and practice the morality based on moral values of human societyc.
  • Based on the founding spirit and the school mottos, the purpose of education is set 「to foster the human resources who shall eventually practice the morality and serve the community, through the research and teaching of academic theory required for the national and human development and the cultivation of the virtues as well」.
  • In order to achieve the educational objectives, the three substantial educational goals such as ① academic exploration , ② cultivating virtue and ③ community service were set up.
    • – Scientific exploration represents the study and teaching of academic theory and the virtue cultivation means to foster the personality as the leader in each field of the society and cultivate the attitude, attribute and values needed for a democratic citizenship while community service meaning the practical part to be provided for human society.